To animate a downtown market we painted some of our favorite California native plants — virgin’s bower clematis and California fuchsia. The delicate foliage creates a veil between you and the washes of blue, almost as if you could part the vines and walk through.


The background is composed of thin layers of blue, testing and sampling many shades to find the right hues.

As we washed color onto the wall with our brushes we also speckled and sprayed paint, and smoothed with our trusty brooms to create variation in color and texture — a fast, full body painting approach.

Once our blues were balanced, we drew in our foliage with small brushes and steady hands — a quiet and focused process.

The clean and precise black and white foliage connects to the interior design of the space and pulls focus on the elegant botanical forms. The fast, loose washes of paint add a quality of patina and life that brings character to the newness of the space.


Sun & Moon


Holding Opposites